Most memorable travel experiences of 2019

In 2019 I went to several new cities as well as a country and state that had long been on my must-visit list. It is tough to narrow down just a few favorite moments and experiences, but here are a few things I want to remember from this year's travels. Seeing the pyramids of Egypt... Continue Reading →

Mantua: Churches, museums, and more

Given its long history, it is no surprise that there is so much to see in Mantua. Aside from the palaces, for which it is perhaps most famous, there are some notable churches and museums. The most famous of the city's churches is Sant'Andrea, built by Leon Battista Alberti in 1470. The facade of the... Continue Reading →

Mantua’s palaces

With a history dating back millennia, the small city of Mantua contains an embarrassment of riches. The site was an Etruscan city, a Roman veteran colony, a Renaissance center, and a Hapsburg possession, and was home to Virgil, Ludovico Gonzaga, Isabella d'Este, and the famous neolithic couple known as the Lovers of Valdaro. I arrived in... Continue Reading →

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